The First Ukrainian School in Poland by the Unbreakable Ukraine Foundation
Warsaw, Wroclaw, and Krakow, Poland
Resilience through education: A sanctuary for learning and growth
The First Ukrainian School in Poland, steered by the Unbreakable Ukraine Foundation, emerged as a charity school in March 2022 and now serves 1,500 Ukrainian refugee children in Warsaw, Kraków, and Wrocław, Poland, offering tailored education and emotional support to foster resilience and integration into Polish society, ensuring continuity in their education.
Initially supported by donors like UNICEF and Save the Children, the school extends beyond academic learning to support the emotional wellbeing of students and their families, integrating 7,000 families into the community. It upholds a curriculum that emphasises creativity, critical thinking, and decision-making, vital for students who may one day return to rebuild Ukraine.
The visionary leadership under Victoria Gnap fosters a collaborative culture, prioritising professional development and community integration. Initiatives include cultural exchange festivals and museum visits, which facilitate the integration of Ukrainian children into Polish society, enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation.
Additionally, the school has made significant strides in adapting its educational offerings to meet diverse needs through personalised learning experiences, reflected in the improvement of academic performance and successful university admissions.
Should The First Ukrainian School in Poland win the World’s Best School Prize for Overcoming Adversity, it plans to further expand its educational programmes and enhance support services, reinforcing its commitment to providing a stable foundation for displaced children.