Our Community

Welcome to the community! Here you’ll find a vibrant hub where teachers from all over the world come together to share best practices, collaborate, and learn from each other to help transform education from the grassroots. 

With over 200,000 members across six continents, our community offers professional development on the go, the latest updates and insights, as well as leadership opportunities through our T4 Ambassadors programme.

Get connected!

Join the largest community of teachers worldwide on social media and:

  • Connect with passionate educators
  • Access valuable resources
  • Discover innovative ideas
  • Engage in professional development
  • Celebrate successes
  • Collaborate on global projects

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube today and become part of a thriving community where education flourishes because educators thrive!

Elevate: Our newsletter

When you join our Community, you will automatically start receiving our monthly newsletter with the latest updates, insights, and inspiration straight to your inbox.

T4 Ambassadors

Step into a community leadership role with our T4 Ambassador Programme. This is your chance to influence global education, amplify your voice, and collaborate with educators worldwide. 

The most dedicated T4 Ambassadors can even apply to become Country Ambassadors. Contact us directly to learn more about our Country Ambassador opportunities. Become part of a movement that is shaping the future of education, one teacher, one school, and one country at a time.

Ready to join the movement for transformative education? Become a part of our global community today and start your journey towards empowering change in education. Sign up now to stay updated on timelines, benefits, and strategies for improving school culture.

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