
Nominations for the World Education Medals are open to leaders all across Africa, Asia and Latin America advocating for and creating impact in education.

Here you can learn all about making a nomination for any of our three Medals.

Eligibility criteria

The World Education Medals are open to individuals who meet the following criteria:


They must be in any the following professions:

  • Educators or school leaders
  • Civil society leaders
  • Public servants or government officials
  • Political leaders
  • Entrepreneurs, business leaders or technologists


They must work to improve any of the following levels of education:

  • Early childhood
  • K-12
  • Vocational education
  • Tertiary or University education


The scope of their work must be in either: Africa, Asia or Latin America


They must demonstrate their contribution in at least one of the following key areas:

  • Improving learning outcomes
  • Promoting girls’ education
  • Promoting equity and broadening access to education
  • Advancing pedagogical or technological innovation
  • Building and strengthening educator capacity
  • Catalysing civic participation in education
  • Championing the rights of education stakeholders

Make a nomination

Individuals can nominate a changemaker or nominate themselves for any of the three World Education Medals.

All nominations are submitted on a form on this site during the nominations window.  The deadline for all World Education Medals 2024 nominations is April 30th 2024. The deadline has been extended to May 10th at 23:59 GMT.

If you have any questions, please contact

- A nomination represents the action of an external person [nominator] nominating an individual for any of our three Medals [nominee] through the submission of the nomination form on this site.

- Once we receive your form, we will contact your nominee via email to obtain their consent to take part in this contest. At that point, your nominee will be officially in the running for the Medal. Please make sure you provide a valid email address for your nominee, otherwise, if we don’t obtain their consent, your nomination will expire.

- As a nominator, you will act as a supporter of this nomination and we may contact you to verify information if your nomination is successful. 

- You can nominate yourself for any of our three Medals.

- As a nominee, you need to present two supporters who can back your nomination. We only request their contact details to get in touch in case your application is successful.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about the nomination process, eligibility, and more.

The World Education Medals are a joint global initiative of T4 Education and HP that recognise leaders sparking change in education. By providing them a platform and a network of like-minded peers working towards quality education, we aim to build and nurture a community of leaders who are shaping the future of education. The World Education Medals are made up of three Medals: the Africa Education Medal, the Asia Education Medal and the Latin America Education Medal. For each one of them, we will select a winner.

Anyone aged 18 years or older can nominate individuals for any of the World Education Medals, as long as you have enough information to fill out the form and their contact details for us to contact the nominee. You can also either apply for yourself or be nominated by someone else.

April 30th 2024 at 23.59 GMT.

No, we only accept nominations for individuals, not organisations. The World Education Medals are awarded to individuals. But you can nominate an individual for their work on behalf of an organisation.

Yes, you can nominate multiple candidates, even across different Medals. But you need to submit one form for each individual you wish to nominate. We don’t allow multiple nominations on the same form.

Different individuals can nominate the same candidate through different forms, although the amount of nominations for the same person has no bearing on the judging process. That being the case, we will pick the best submission based on the quality and clarity of information to assess the candidate against our criteria.

You may only submit a single application for yourself. If you submit more than one application, we will only consider the last submission and disregard the earlier ones. The amount of applications has no bearing on the judging process.

No, we only accept nominations written in English. Any submission written in any other language will not be considered. We don’t assess nominations against English proficiency, but the clarity in the communication and writing of your answers will count on the assessment of your nomination.

No, the process is free of charge.

Nominees can run for any of the three World Education Medals: Africa Education Medal, Asia Education Medal or Latin America Education Medal. They don’t necessarily have to be born or live in the countries in those regions, but they need to prove that the scope of their work is within those geographies, aiming at improving the state of education in one or more countries of any given region, in any of the following areas: early childhood education, K-12, university and / or vocational education.

If the candidate meets all three criteria and can prove the impact of their work in the three regions showing significant progress, then they are eligible for the three Medals. In this case, they should submit three different forms – one for each Medal.

Anyone over 18 years old can apply or be nominated.

We don’t request a particular type of relationship between nominator and nominee to be able to make a nomination as long as you have their contact details to share with us and solid information to make the nomination.

If you are nominating someone else, you need to have permission to share their personal data and contact details with us. Once you submit the nomination, we will email your nominee to inform them about the nomination and obtain their consent to enter the contest. If for any reason we can’t get in touch with your nominee to obtain their consent, your nomination will expire. Therefore, please make sure you provide us with an email address where we can contact your nominee.

The World Education Medals comprise three Medals – for each we will select one winner. These three winners will be awarded an honorific title, through a platform that recognises, visibilises and amplifies the work this individual is carrying out. All winners will also be awarded the right to nominate a school of their choice to receive membership at no cost to T4 Education’s Best School To Work programme - an independent, evidence-based mechanism to certify schools for their culture and help them transform their working environment to attract and retain the best teachers.

Read the Terms and Conditions of the World Education Medals.

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