
Only the institutions with the very best leadership and working environments will achieve the highest certification in our programme, but every school will gain access to the objective evidence, actionable insights, robust guidance, and carefully curated courses you need to become a beacon for great school culture and attract the best teachers.

What we assess


We examine the many factors that make great school leadership, from having a vision to communicating it well and leading by example to build a culture of trust and respect.

School Environment

We delve deep into schools’ working environments, looking at inclusivity and positivity, as well as professional development opportunities, support for staff, and good relationships between colleagues. 


We take a forensic look not just at schools’ teaching community and their collaborative efforts to reflect, grow and share best practices, but the wider ecosystem, including students, parents, and the community at large. 

Professional Wellness

We grade schools on all the things a teacher would want to see in their dream job, from salaries, benefits, contract security, working conditions, policies, wellbeing, and a healthy work/life balance.

Our multi-tiered assessment

Join 200,000+ teachers and school leaders in our global community to access resources, insights, and professional development opportunities that will help you transform your school culture.

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