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Empowering educators

At T4 Education, we believe in the power of teacher voice. We are dedicated to understanding the wants, needs, hopes, and fears of teachers and school leaders worldwide. Our mission is to provide a platform for these voices to be heard, influencing decision-makers and those providing the classroom tools educators rely on.

With our dedicated, multi-country research panel of teachers, we provide large scale, timely, and genuinely global coverage for both syndicated and bespoke research services.

Genuine impact

By participating in T4 Insights, teachers join a movement that is amplifying the voice of educators. With the opportunity to influence tech companies, policymakers, and education reform, teacher insights help shape the tools and policies that directly impact classrooms around the world.

How to participate

We invite you to join our Insights Panel. Our panel allows for a deeper analysis of trends and cross-country comparisons.

Our services

We offer a range of services tailored to your needs:

  • Pulse: Fast turnaround, short polls of our Insights Panel.
  • Omnibus: Annual tracking surveys that measure trends over time.
  • Elements: Deep dive reports into specific issues and topics.
  • Benchmark: Sector-specific reports, benchmarking providers based on user feedback.
We also undertake bespoke research projects, partnering with organisations to provide insights into specific areas of interest.

Become part of our global community and gain access to a wealth of resources, insights, and opportunities.