Learning gaps remain stubbornly persistent across the world, even in wealthy economies such as the UK where it will take 560 years to close the attainment gap at GCSE and

Dr Fred Mednick, Professor Emeritus in Education Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, founded Teachers Without Borders in 2000 to connect teachers to information and to each other. The aim was

Questioning the world has never been more important. And young people are often full of questions. Schools can play a vital role in their journey by sparking students’ curiosity in

Classroom teachers we speak to tell us every day tell us about the pressures they face. The long hours. The high stress. The low pay. The challenging conditions and lack

This month, the UN marked its International Day of Women and Girls in Science, noting: “Although Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields are widely regarded as critical to national

We all know the health and wellbeing of students is essential to their academic success. But there are many different ways schools can go about fostering an environment in which

If the great environmental crises of this world were caused by our generation and those before us, it is the next generation we must look to for answers. They are

The new PISA results from the OECD make grim reading for many countries around the world where there has been an “unprecedented” drop in student performance. While it would be

The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, igniting a passion for learning that students will carry with them for life, must always be the beating heart of education. Is

We recently learned about a school once plagued by low morale and dwindling student performance that underwent a transformation. The change wasn’t in the curriculum or the teaching methods, but