
Thought-provoking articles and insights from educators around the globe

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In the heart of Kilgoris, Kenya, the Kakenya Center for Excellence (KCE) stands as a beacon of hope and transformation. This government-funded primary boarding school for girls is far more

Alongside Africa and Asia, Latin America contains some of the highest levels of learning poverty in the world. This has only been compounded by some of the world’s longest school

Student wellbeing is crucial for the holistic development of young people. Fostering a positive environment in schools not only supports students’ academic success but also boosts their confidence, autonomy, self-esteem,

Interview: How tech can break down language barriers in your classroom

Salman Shaheen speaks to Christopher Lim, creator of, a platform that is helping teachers make education accessible in many languages in the face…
Salman Shaheen

World’s Best School Prizes 2023 Top 3 finalists revealed

In an ever-evolving world, marked by technological advancements, the aftermath of a global pandemic, and the challenges of climate change, one beacon of…
T4 Education

How is school culture evolving in the age of sustainability? A step-by-step guide

We find ourselves in a time where sustainability permeates so much of our lives, it is no longer an option but a necessity.
T4 Education

Green skills: Sustainable education for a sustainable future

We're standing at the edge of a new era, an era where our actions today will determine the fate of our planet tomorrow.
T4 Education
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